Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rosebud Design Studio on Design*Sponge Sneak Peek

Ok, to be quite honest, this was a feature on Design*Sponge back in July. And, because I was goofing off all summer (I figured I'd be honest with you), I never got around to posting on the ol' Rosebud blog. Anyway, this was such a thrill to be featured on Design*Sponge (thanks again Grace and Anne), that I thought I would post the link here, months later just for kicks (and because I was goofing off all summer). Click here to see the full post.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Products!

Ok, I know, I's been a while....yikes. Sorry. BUT, to begin to make up for it, I have some new products. I've expanded the In Your Face line of cards to include a Holiday Edition. You can find them on the Rosebud Etsy store. You can find the holiday cards here. And the original edition here.